social studies

North Adams Reads Resources available in the CMC


Social Studies Resources

In 2008, North Adams Public Schools created a North Adams Reads Committee. One of our goals was for our community to have a common reading experience. Instead of one book, as typically used in community-reads projects, ours became the topic ‘Building Community Through Local History and the Arts— A Snapshot of North Adams,’ which focuses on North Adams history.

The committee created and distributed book kits, that are available for lending. Kits can be found in each school library. The project was supported by grants from the Gateway Fund and the James and Robert Hardman Fund for North Adams, both of the Berkshire Taconic Foundation. Our hope is that it will remain a strong base of resources for local history for many years to come.

The kit includes 10 books, each having a lesson plan and activity included.

Counting on Grace by Elizabeth Winthrop of Williamstown CMC 33 copies

Dear Mr. President by Elizabeth Winthrop CMC 28 copies

Forbidden Friendship by Judith Eichler Weber. CMC 10 copies

Coming to America The Story of Immigration by Betsy Maestro CMC 14 copies

The Memory Coat by Elvira Woodruff CMC 23 copies

When Jessie Came Across the Sea by Amy Hest CMC 9 copies

Nicholas—A Massachusetts Tale by Peter Arenstam CMC 6 copies

You Wouldn’t Want to be a Victorian Mill Worker by John Maham CMC 7 copies

Kids at Work Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor by Russell Freedman CMC 4 copies

Images of America ~ North Adams by Robert Campanile CMC 4 copies

North Adams Massachusetts Old Home Week reprinted from original by Diane Wohl CMC 9 copies

North Adams Massachusetts Scenic Center of the Berkshire Hills by Diane Wohl CMC 9 copies

Stories from Our Hills by Jean Jarvie CMC 10 copies

The Architectural Heritage of North Adams, Massachusetts CMC 4 copies

Books included in the kit. Some are available in multiple copy sets.

Counting on Grace

Counting on Grace by Elizabeth Winthrop

Counting on Grace

Connect with resources on Elizabeth Winthrop's website

Searching for Addie - The story behind the famous photograph

  • The Mill Children's Teaching Guide

Read Counting on Grace online

Inspired by a famous Lewis Hine photograph, Elizabeth Winthrop’s latest book is set in a Vermont mill town in 1910, when child labor was common, and a bright, eager girl had to struggle to receive an education. Against a backdrop of callous mill owners, national calls for labor reform, and a family that can barely make ends meet, Winthrop's protagonist, the courageous 12 year old Grace Forcier, strives to balance the needs of her family, the call of her true self, and her profound sense of right and wrong.

Elizabeth Winthrop

Coming to America

Coming to America

By Betsy Maestro Illustrated by Susannah Ryan

With clearly written prose and warm, child-friendly illustrations, this picture book is a wonderful first introduction to the moving story of the history of immigration to the United States--a story that belongs to all Americans.

jessie came across the sea

When Jessi Came Across the Sea by Amy Hest Illustrated by P. J. Lynch

Set at the turn of the 19th century, this is the story of a young girl's adventure. Voyaging across the sea to a new life in America, Jessie leaves behind her village home and her beloved Grandmother, to whom she entrusts a precious keepsake, hoping that one day they will be reunited.

Amy Hest -

Dear Mr President

Dear Mr. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt by Elizabeth Winthrop

Emma Bortoletti, the twelve-year-old daughter of Italian immigrants, begins to correspond with President Roosevelt during the Great Depression, voicing her concern that his unique new programs will make the economy even worse, in a riveting historical account filled with photographs, maps, and timelines.


Nicholas A Massachusetts Tale by Peter Arenstam

To a small field mouse from Massachusetts, family is everything! A lovely leather journal chronicles all the important events of his family’s history. When the journal is destroyed in a flood, Nicholas will set off across the state of Massachusetts in search of his uncle and a copy of the precious book. Along the way, he’ll meet many friends and explore the many diverse areas that make up Massachusetts—the Berkshire Mountains, Quabbin reservation, Wachusetts, Gloucester, Boston, Plymouth, and finally Martha’s Vineyard.

Peter Arenstam -